
American's diets

Now, Americans spend 41% of their food dollars on foods eaten outside the home, up from 26% in 1970. Adults and children consume an average of one-third of their calories from eating out. And more than 25% of Americans eat fast food at least twice a week. However fast food restaurants in USA have failed to improve the nutritional value of their menu. I think Americans should reconsider about their diets. I have three points to support this motion. I will explain all these points.

First, fast food is bad for health. Now, over 50% of adults in the US fit into the category that adults who are overweight. According to a study released today, people who are obese in middle age are at almost four times greater risk of developing dementias in later life than people of normal weight. The obesity crisis and rising levels of chronic diseases have put pressure on fast food restaurants to cut salt, fat and sugar content of their menus. A researcher suggests offering more fruit and vegetables, making them default side dishes with meals, and using containers no bigger than 450ml for sugar-sweetened beverages and removing them from children's menus because there could be many possible mechanisms over weight can influence the degradation of the brain. Therefore, fast foods have a bad effect on our health.

     Second is cooking and food education for children is important. In US, Steven Gerrard who is England football international is teaming up with medical experts and academics to demand cooking and food education should remain compulsory for all children aged 5 to 14to help fight obesity. They make clear obesity would be a disaster for the health of young people if the schools downgrade curriculum now under way allowed and food education. In the school many children are being given packed lunches by their parents containing crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks. The experts say that this prevents children from improving nutritional standards for school food. Cooking is part of design and technology in the national curriculum, which is compulsory in all schools. However, all national curriculum are under review. Food preparation and education activities are removed as required subjects. A spokesman for education insists that individual schools are entrusted with these decisions. Although Academies have greater freedom to decide what to teach, they don’t have to follow the curriculum. However, these academies must provide a broad and balance education. Gerrard worries about nutrition and lack of physical activity in young people, especially he is potentially denying Great Britain many future sports stars. Therefore, the academies in America have to adopt cooking and food educations.

     Third, American should consider about slow food. Slow food is that promote local foods and centuries-old traditions of gastronomy and food production. Conversely this means an opposition to fast food, industrial food production and globalization. Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered that people who live in areas, there are a lot of fast food shops, are heathy less able to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life such as appreciate images of natural beauty. Urban workers who force to work longer and longer hours don’t have the time to spend times on cooking. Fast food is the symbolic product of maturing and recent capitalism. I think it is important that people preserve traditional and regional cuisine and encourages farming of plants, seeds and livestock characteristic of the local ecosystem. The slow food movements, which started in the 1980s in Italy, uses the snail as its symbol. The founder find out modern people who too rush to remember what they have eaten, and felt the snail’s habit of slowness provided an important message for modern people. The slow food groups have spread to countries on five continents around the world, and they have over 80,000 members. I think in a world that seems to continually race faster and faster, the ideas of the slow food movements help us retrieve a healthier attitude toward food, culture, time, and the world around us. Therefore, slow food gives Americans chances to think over their traditional habits.

     In conclusion, I wrote about fast food is bad for health, cooking and food education for children is important, and American should consider about slow food.  For all these reasons, it clearly show that Americans should reconsider about their diets for their health, education of children, and traditional habits. If the diet was changed, people are more activity, and can keep an open mind. It is true that fast food is useful, easy. However, they prevent us from healthy, cultural and making good use of our lives. Soren Kierkegaard said that “life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”. We don’t change the past. So we should make the future a better one for us.

the second fresh graduates

In Japan today, it is normal to take fresh graduates.  According to the survey, 30% of the fresh graduates resign to work in 3 years.  On the other hand, the second fresh graduates, people who are hoping to get back to job, which has resign to work in three years, is becoming popular recently.  These second fresh graduates have many merits of hiring.  For instance, they have the skill to work such as manners and using a computer since they have been working for at least 3 years. In conclusion, I believe that more and more company should hire more second fresh graduates.


Typhoon Neoguri that is one of the country’s worst storms for years approaches Okinawa. We have to hold on to something because the wind is too strong to stand. The typhoon is moving slowly and this increase the potential for major damage to infrastructure. We need special warnings for violent winds, heavy rain and storm surges because the typhoon did intensify the country's south-west monsoon. On Tuesday, the typhoon Neoguri will approach Kanto area, so I am looking forward to the typhoon approaching because there is some possibility that classes will be canceled.

My presentation

topic   American diets
main idea    Americans should reconsider about their diets


William and Kate win French injunction over topless photos

I think all people who live all over the world have the right of privacy even if The Duke and Duchess. William and Kate won French injunction over topless photos is a logical result. The photographer breached the privacy of Prince William  and Catherine by publishing the topless photos. There are some people who want to know the living of the Duke and Duchess. However I think it’s them whom we have to protect their right of privacy. I also think an invasion of privacy is a kind of violence. Therefore I believe that entitled to their privacy is a criminal offense.

shawshank redemption review

The Shawshank Redemption premiered at the Tronto Film Festival in September 1994.The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about two men serving life in prison. However this isn’t a prison drama about violence. Andy, a city banker, wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. Andy forms an unlikely friendship with Red, and faces many trials in prison but he overcame them with forming an alliance with the wardens In this film, these two men met in the prison sprang up very warm friendship between them. This film teaches us that continuity in a lifetime is based on friendship and hope.

World Cup 2014

Recently, many people ray attentions to the World Cup in Brazil. Yesterday, Dutch and Costa Rica play the match of semi-final. In this game, a goal keeper played active parts. Tim Krul, penalty shootout specialist in Holland’s quarter-final win over Costa Rica is the goal keeper. He didn’t miss foreseeing where player of Costa Rika were going to shoot.  Because he watched them against Greece and studied them for trying to get in their minds. He told the players that I knew where they were going to shoot to make them a bit nervous. On all five occasions Krul moved in the correct direction before the ball was struck.




Tomato pill' hope for stopping heart disease

The UK scientists says that taking a tomato pill a day could help keep heart disease. The pill contains lycopene that is a natural antioxidant of tomatoes. Experts have suspected for some time that lycopene might be good for avoiding illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease. There is some evidence that eating a Mediterranean-style diet which is abundant in tomatoes is instructive for health. However experts say more researches are needed to clear up the effect of lycopene. I think tomatoes are familiar vegetable to us, so tomatoes pills are easy to use and good for our health.


Three new ozone-depleting gases discovered in atmosphere

Recently, depletion of the ozone layer is serious problem all over the world. More ozone-depleting gases have been identified in the atmosphere by scientists. Researchers at the University of East Anglia have found two new types of man-made gases. The gases which have been identified in the latest research are at much lower concentrations than previous one, and are unlikely to pose a threat to the ozone layer. We must controls on CFCs to preserve ozone in the stratosphere that protects life on Earth by absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun came.


Puppy drives family car into pond causing it to be written off

A three-month-old puppy ended up in hot water with her owner after driving the family car straight into a pond.
German shepherd Rosie was a little over enthusiastic following a walk around Bolicar Pond in Canton, Massachusetts, on Sunday and leapt straight into owner John Costello's car - which had its engine turned on.
The excited pup hit the gear stick, shifted it into drive and then fell onto the gas pedal sending the vehicle careering into the water.
No-one was hurt in the accident and Mr Costello later said: "The car went for a swim.
"We all did."
Canton Police Officer Robert Quirk said the car was a write-off after being completely submerged in the pond.
"The perp says she was just going with the flow of traffic," Quirk said in a Twitter post showing a picture of the puppy.


 I'm a K university students. I'm a menber of basketball team, and practice everyday. I like muvies. On weekend, I often go to a theater. My hobby is traveling.

Rate of US honeybee deaths too high

Honeybees are dying off at too high a rate to assure their long term survival. The total losses among hive honeybees across the country was 23.2% over the 2013-14 winter. That is better than the 30.5% loss over the 2012-13 winter, but the report said the death rate among honeybees over the last eight years was still too high for the bees' long term survival. Now, about a quarter of America's food crop depends on pollination from honeybees. A kind of insecticides, which either kill the bees outright or make them more susceptible to pests and disease. We must take action now to protect bees from pesticides



Tony Nicklinson, the locked-in syndrome sufferer who went to the high court to fight to be allowed to end his life with the help of a doctor. However, he lose the case. He was heartbroken by the high court's decision that he could not end his life at a time of his choosing with the help of a doctor. Just six days after losing the case, he has died naturally. He supposed it was wrong of him to invest so much hope and expectation into the judgment. The right to die with dignity will continue debating and not be forgotten due to him.


We can't depend on plants to slow down global warming

Recently, global warming is the most serious problem all over the world. A new study shows that plant growth from CO2 fertilization won’t slow global warming because Increased future plant growth will not reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere as much as we thought. Now, we must find a new way on without delay. The authors found that increased CO2 in the atmosphere actually increased the outflow of carbon dioxide from the soils. Natural land ecosystems are unlikely to sequester as much carbon as we had hope. I think the earlier we take action, the easier it will be.


World facing polio health emergency

The WHO has stated the spread of polio is an international public health emergency. The polio outbreaks in Asia, Middle East and Africa. It pose the greatest risk of further wild poliovirus exportations in 2014. The situation is extraordinary event needing an international cooperation. People who travel abroad need to vaccinate. Polio mainly affects children under five years old. The virus is infected through contaminated food and water, and capable of causing death within hours. I think an international response is essential so that we prevent the polio virus from spreading all over the world.


Presentation on technology

Hello, Yuma. I’m Yusuke from Tokyo.

Wearable tech or technology you can wear, is one of the newest areas in the world of computing. Google has released a controversial product which works like a smartphone, but is worn on your face like a pair of glasses. Google glass is now used as trial products in America. However, range of the customer is limited. I’m looking forward to using it in our country.       


Are most new technology products just fashion items?

The new items, google glass that is the computer in a pair of spectacles are not a showcase event, but real life. It has an effect on the next wave of computing that is wearable, immersive stuff. It adds information culled from the internet to your field of view. Moreover we are able to talk to it and instruct it. Technology has been turned into a fashion item. The point of a new feature or a new app is churn.



On Jan. 30, a rikejo has succeeded in creating pluripotent cells, which have the capacity to change into different body tissues in an amazingly easy manner. Now, less than three months later, the celebratory mood has changed doubt because of discrepancies in the paper. Some say she should withdraw the two STAP-related papers published in the British journal nature however she has flatly rejected. At the same time, another problem that is Riken’s investigation appear because there are many instances of misconduct. So people cast doubt not only on Obokata, but also on the nation’s top research institute.