
 I'm a K university students. I'm a menber of basketball team, and practice everyday. I like muvies. On weekend, I often go to a theater. My hobby is traveling.

Rate of US honeybee deaths too high

Honeybees are dying off at too high a rate to assure their long term survival. The total losses among hive honeybees across the country was 23.2% over the 2013-14 winter. That is better than the 30.5% loss over the 2012-13 winter, but the report said the death rate among honeybees over the last eight years was still too high for the bees' long term survival. Now, about a quarter of America's food crop depends on pollination from honeybees. A kind of insecticides, which either kill the bees outright or make them more susceptible to pests and disease. We must take action now to protect bees from pesticides



Tony Nicklinson, the locked-in syndrome sufferer who went to the high court to fight to be allowed to end his life with the help of a doctor. However, he lose the case. He was heartbroken by the high court's decision that he could not end his life at a time of his choosing with the help of a doctor. Just six days after losing the case, he has died naturally. He supposed it was wrong of him to invest so much hope and expectation into the judgment. The right to die with dignity will continue debating and not be forgotten due to him.


We can't depend on plants to slow down global warming

Recently, global warming is the most serious problem all over the world. A new study shows that plant growth from CO2 fertilization won’t slow global warming because Increased future plant growth will not reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere as much as we thought. Now, we must find a new way on without delay. The authors found that increased CO2 in the atmosphere actually increased the outflow of carbon dioxide from the soils. Natural land ecosystems are unlikely to sequester as much carbon as we had hope. I think the earlier we take action, the easier it will be.


World facing polio health emergency

The WHO has stated the spread of polio is an international public health emergency. The polio outbreaks in Asia, Middle East and Africa. It pose the greatest risk of further wild poliovirus exportations in 2014. The situation is extraordinary event needing an international cooperation. People who travel abroad need to vaccinate. Polio mainly affects children under five years old. The virus is infected through contaminated food and water, and capable of causing death within hours. I think an international response is essential so that we prevent the polio virus from spreading all over the world.


Presentation on technology

Hello, Yuma. I’m Yusuke from Tokyo.

Wearable tech or technology you can wear, is one of the newest areas in the world of computing. Google has released a controversial product which works like a smartphone, but is worn on your face like a pair of glasses. Google glass is now used as trial products in America. However, range of the customer is limited. I’m looking forward to using it in our country.